The Self Care Space™ is a membership is an emotional healing library to help you reconnect with your body, mind and soul.

The Self Care Library provides the tools for you to nurture your body and give yourself that “ME TIME” you deserve.

From 5 minute grounding meditations, 20 minute morning yoga flows, to 60 minute chakra balancing yin classes, each day you can create your own bespoke self care routine using the videos and resources inside the library.

Join my healing membership

The Consciously Alive CEO™ Business Course

I created the Consciously Alive CEO™ Business Program as I know how scary it can be feeling lost or just not knowing where to start on your journey. I love sharing the combination of practical and technical business skills that will leave you feeling motivated, empowered and ready to launch your unique authentic business. We also cover conscious elements including energy work, human design and the chakra system which I believe is as equally important when birthing a new project to the world.

Let me invite you into the sacred women only container, and help you take the steps to making your dream life a reality. It is possible! I did it and there was no turning back.


1-2-1 Mentoring + Business Coaching

Be held with bespoke support and accountability you need to make big shifts happen by working with Phoebe one-on-one.

When it comes to accessing your intuition, amplifying your voice, and the process of making money a magical experience, there’s no “one-size-fits-all approach”. 

By working together, you will receive clarity, guidance and support as you begin the deeply transformational path of stepping confidently into the next level version of yourself, creating a presence and sharing your unique gifts with the world.


Create your Dream Life Workshop

Join me for a recorded 2 hour workshop, where I will share with you my roadmap for creating your dream life. We look at identifying your values, purpose and talents to help you create a new pathway to happiness and fulfilment. I will guide you through my process of how I plan my life each year looking at the key areas of your life - work, health, wealth, training, travel, love, family, spirituality.


A 7 part deep dive somatic therapy journey to de-coding your emotions, healing through feeling + returning back to the wholeness of your body.

Together we will explore potent and intimate pathways to understanding your emotions, de-code how your body + mind are interconnected so that you feel more in control of your life, your relationships and your direction in this world.

Decoding You Healing Journey


Somatic Therapy

Allow Phoebe to hold you in a a somatic therapy healing container. This sacred space is a transformative experience that she tailors to meet your individual needs. Her aim is to assist YOU to locate hidden trauma, understand any physical or mental dis-ease in order to provide a path to healing and release. This type of therapy allows you to be guided to the root cause of symptoms, pain and trauma.


Create Your Online Membership

Are you ready to call in more freedom into your life by creating a portal for online income and community? In this in depth prerecorded 2.5 hour training on How to build a Soul Aligned Online Membership, Phoebe will show you how to build your own online platform step by step including - What Platforms to choose , what Technology you need, go to Filming + Recording Equipment, How to communicate consistent Branding, How to Plan to reduce overwhelm + more.



Hi, I'm Phoebe

My mission is to guide women back to the truth of who they really are through body mind practices and holistic business coaching.