To Decoding You....
To Explore Your Emotions.
To Return to Wholeness. 

A deep dive process to reclaim your emotional sovereignty and bring greater harmony, balance and ease into your body and life. 

A Deep Dive Emotional Therapy Exploration

You're invited...

Decoding YOU

many of us are experiencing unprecedented levels of overwhelm, imbalance and emotional dysregulation. This impacts us every day and within every area of our lives, but it doesn’t have to be this way. 

With Decoding You, you’ll learn how to navigate your emotional landscape and access a deep sense of wholeness that’s always available to you. This is a 7-part Somatic Therapy journey to translate the language of your emotions, shine light on the mind-body connection and help you regain an embodied sense flow in your relationships, work and life. 

Right now.....

it's time
 to come

We are emotional beings....

And most of us were never taught how to be in a conscious relationship with our emotions.

For most women, emotions are those inconvenient things we resent because they interrupt our work and relationships.

When difficult emotions arise, they swallow us up and take over our lives— impacting not only us but everyone we encounter and those we love. 

Emotions are a love language from our body + mind. 

Learning to decode and speak this language has the capacity to change your life forever.

Unpack Emotions (what they are + how they’re processed in the brain) 

Embracing + Embodying Emotions (the good, the challenging, the difficult) using simple and effective tools

Releasing + Healing through feeling using Somatic Therapy and body based awareness methods

Expanding Your Capacity to hold all thoughts, feelings + emotions with self-soothing tools

Communicating Your Emotions effectively within your relationships 

Working With Your Cycle + Cyclical emotions that arise throughout the month

In this program,
you’ll learn how to

Throughout this journey, you’ll learn how to feel your way through life, embrace the expression of your emotions, tune into your intuition and develop a deep trust in the process of becoming whole.

Which is why....

step by step guides

Synergistic Somatic Therapy Techniques, Mindfulness + meditation practises for healing, growing and embodiment

Become more aware of your limiting beliefs, so that you can re-program your subconscious mind.

Decoding YOU

Inside the Program

7 x 60 minute Live Practical Healing Workshops

7 x Workbook continued healing exercises

Access to The Self Care Space (One month)

Emotional Healing Meditations

the Course

Book Recommendations



Decoding Your Emotions

An introduction to self healing through the lens of Somatic Therapy to help you understand how to process your emotions. We look at the fundamentals of psychology, how they can get stuck in our body and begin the journey to accepting all of the parts of you to release and heal them.



Decoding The Process

In this lesson we continue to look at the different tools to help you process your emotions. We use short somatic practices to help you ground into your body when you feel overwhelmed with emotions or feelings. 



Decoding The Parts of You

We look at welcoming all of the parts of you to help you understand why sometimes you might feel conflicted inside. We meet them, welcome them in and embrace why they might be feeling scared, overwhelmed, angry or sad.



Decoding Your Mindset

In this lesson we look at your mindset and start to track if you have destructive patterns, habits and behaviours that might be repeating which stops you from progressing with your life and relationships. We look at flipping your perfective to help you heal.



Decoding Your Inner Cycle

We uncover the inner cycles of a YOU and how we can create more space + compassion to embrace our emotions as our hormones fluctuate each week. We discover tools and practices that can help you embrace and honour your sacred rollercoaster of feelings each month. 



Decoding Self Regulation

This lesson dives deep into how to self soothe when your emotions or nervous system gets dysregulated. We dive into how to care for your Vagus Nerve and the tools that can help you self regulate and feel better when you feel like you can't cope with what is going on in your life. 



Decoding You

It's time to embrace and expand your capacity to hold the heavy stuff and move through any blocked energy or emotions in your body. The last session we dive deep into a full body Somatic Therapy release healing session using all of the tools learnt and embodied throughout this program.

See what we'll be diving into in
Decoding You Program

Summary Of Lessons


Who is this for?

This program is for women who want to reclaim their emotional sovereignty through self-healing and develop true emotional intelligence. They want to feel whole in their body and mind, while equipping themselves with life-long tools for emotional transformation. 

Who is this for?

Decoding YOU

Is this you?

You sometimes feel unstable in your emotions

You’re unable to hold it together during arguments or heated moments 

You’re looking for a cost-effective alternative to therapy or a helpful addition 

You feel like you have blocked emotions in your body and are looking for a simple and effective way to release them

You sometimes feel sad, anxious or overwhelmed and have no idea why 

Your monthly cycles and their symptoms can feel debilitating and take over your life

You want to begin a life-long journey of loving, healing and understanding your body 

You’re living a stressful life and juggling a lot of responsibilities, so you need an outlet to clear emotional build-up

hi i'm

Phoebe Greenacre

Learning to decode my emotions felt like I had unlocked a true superpower. I could finally exhale after so many years of holding the emotions inside. I was no longer fighting against myself but easing into a natural flow and rhythm that supported my productivity, relationships, energy levels and passion for life. 

For close to a decade, I’ve dedicated myself to these teachings and am passionate about sharing them with women around the world. My approach to healing through the mind-body connection includes yoga, mindfulness, somatic psychology, somatic therapy and more. Along with Decoding You, I’m also the creator of The Self Care Space and a Business Mentor to start up Conscious business owners. 


My Expertise

8 Years in Holistic Healing + Therapy 

Host of the Consciously Alive Podcast 

Founder of The Self Care Space 

600HR+ of Yoga teacher trainings


ISMETA Certified Somatic Therapist






Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator

Trusted by + Featured in

“Your emotions are not the enemy. In fact, once you understand them and regain harmony with their cycles, they’ll become your ally for healing, growth and transformation. 

Until I learned the tools that I share in this program, my emotions would always get the better of me, my world and my relationships. As an empath and someone who is naturally more sensitive (I feel ALL the feels), my emotions would swallow me up and I’d either shut down or freak out.

Although I had a dedicated yoga practice, ate healthy foods and took care of myself, it wasn’t until I found Somatic Therapy that I finally understood the mystery of my emotions. 


When you register for Decoding you, you’ll receive full access to The Self Care Space — which I lovingly refer to as ‘the Netflix of Self-Healing.’ For each module, you’ll be guided toward certain practices that support your healing, energy and alignment. 

Nourish your body-mind-spirit with yoga flows, chakra balancing Yin classes, sound healing, meditations and more. There are over 250+ videos inside with new classes and rituals added weekly and one live Yin class that month.

Extra Healing Support

Monthly live Yin Therapy

Self Care Rituals

Breath Work

Sound Healing

Yoga Flows

Guided Meditations

Healing Support

Imagine if You Could...


Meet your emotions with compassion and tenderness


Hold hard emotions and allow them to move through you


Finally feel in harmony with your body, mind and life


You will get to know YOU on completely other level. If you constantly hear about self love, holding space for your self but never really feel it, with this course, you will get to know the tools hot to get there. The biggest take away was the feeling of self love so powerful as I feel it for the others. The biggest message is that I do not need to be approved by others to be loved and held. Even if I heard many times that you can hold space for your self, I have never really felt it until now. After this program I feel safer and more free. I feel less afraid of the challenges ahead.


I wish I had this course as a child, from about 9 years+ as my emotions have effects me so much in my life. I'm 39 now! I needed to know this essential information to help guide myself and regulate how I'm feeling so I'm not overwhelmed or feel disconnected so much feeling like no-one understands me. The highlight of this program was all the invaluable information and knowing I'm not weird! 

Decoding you have been a life-changing course for me. Instead of feeling a victim of my emotions, I now see them as messengers and feel much more empowered to welcome them. I have also developed a strong awareness to catch myself when going down the rabbit hole of feeling dissatisfied and manage to treat myself with more self-compassion. I manage my emotions with fun now, seeing every negative emotion as an opportunity to learn and grow.


"I just wanted to thank you for holding such a nurturing space. It has been an enlightening journey and I'm going to revisit the sessions and workbooks once I have left my 9-5 job too as I'm sure that all sorts of emotions will come up in this transition period for me.The session on our cycle was invaluable and I've already started my seasonal play lists. Thank you again Phoebe for all your help on my healing journey."


"I can’t thank you enough for this program. You have been an angel sent from the universe and I’m so glad I followed my intuition to do Decoding You. It has been one of the most transformative weeks of my life. Even though it’s online - the energy, connection and vibrations have still been felt so deeply, intensely and beautifully. I can’t wait to dive deeper into all the tools you have taught us. Thank you "



Decoding YOU

Client Love




Decoding YOU

Invest in YOU







"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu


Hi, I'm Phoebe

I am a conscious business coach, somatic therapist & devoted yogi. My mission is to guide women back to the truth of who they really are.