The 7 chakras are the energy centres throughout your body, each one has a specific energy and is associated with certain emotions, qualities and parts of your body. Blockages in either of your chakras could be stopping you from progressing in your life and career. If you’re feeling insecure or anxious it could be a sign that your throat chakra is blocked, while when the root chakra is blocked you might be feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Each chakra is also associated with different life stages, tasks and needs. Throughout my 10 week Conscious Business Coaching Program we combine practical and technical knowledge with holistic energy and healing practices, such as how your chakras are affecting your career and business path.
Here is an insight into how each chakra is related to career and how your chakras might be impacting your business:
The root chakra is located at the very base of your spine and it is the first of the seven chakras. This chakra is associated with grounding and your connection to earth. It is linked to your instinct of basic survival, and as that instinct has changed over time this chakra has come to represent your ability to survive independently in the modern world and make a living. If your root chakra is blocked you might find that you are struggling to make ends meet and you are not sure why, you might be subconsciously self sabotaging your own success and feel like you lack self-discipline and stability in your life.
Practices that help you balance and unblock the root chakra include grounding practices like guided meditations or spending time in nature.
Your sacral chakra is linked to sexuality and pleasure, located in the lower abdomen and right at your pleasure centre, it is linked to your ability to make choices based on what makes you feel good (and is pleasurable). If this chakra is not balanced you might be prioritising instant pleasure ahead of your career and long term goals. Practices that help you balance and unblock the sacral chakra include energy work like Reiki and Qi Gong practices.
The solar plexus chakra is the third of your chakras and located right at your core. This chakra is linked to action, purpose and drive, and when this chakra is balanced and open you will feel confident and sure of yourself. However this also means that if your solar plexus chakra is out of balance you might either over-work yourself and become overly competitive and driven, or lack passion and and feel insecure about business and career decisions.
If your solar plexus is overworked, soothing yin yoga or positive affirmations can help you balance it, while energizing and fiery practices like vinyasa yoga or certain breathwork can help you increase your solar plexus energy.
The heart chakra is located at your heart-centre and it is naturally associated with feelings of love and compassion and plays a role in determining your relationship with those around you, especially friends and family that are close to you. If your heart chakra is blocked or out of balance you could be finding it difficult to achieve the ideal work-life balance, as you might struggle to nurture those important relationships. It could also affect your ability to collaborate and work with others, as you could be lacking empathy and compassion for the people you work with or employ.
Practicing loving-kindness meditations regularly is the best way to nourish and balance your heart chakra.
The throat chakra is linked to creativity, self expression and communication, and having an open and balanced throat chakra makes you great at building a business, starting new projects and building real relationships. It generally contributes to your ability to build new things, whether it is projects or relations. If your throat chakra is blocked you might find it difficult to communicate your ideas and needs and you generally feel like you are not being heard and listened to.
Breathwork is a great way to clear any blockages in the throat chakra, while positive affirmations can help balance and strengthen the energy there.
The third eye chakra is located in between your eyes and it is linked to your intuition and your vision. When this chakra is blocked or out of balance you might find it hard to feel inspired, you have difficulties imagining things and accessing your intuition (your gut feeling). On the other hand if your third eye chakra is balanced and open you can use visualisation and your intuition to guide you when you make decisions and you can generally trust your instinct. Your third eye chakra is linked to your ability and need to search for a meaning and an identity in your life, and stimulating this energy centre can help guide you if you are considering making a career change or big business decision.
Use affirmations, journaling and manifesting practices to unblock and balance your third eye chakra.
The last chakra is the crown chakra, located at the crown of the head. This is linked to wisdom and spirituality. A lot of people have a hard time accessing this energy centre until later in life, because it is linked with our knowledge and life experiences. If you are a business leader or any kind of mentor in your career, unblocking and balancing this chakra will help you better share your knowledge with others and let go of any feelings of not being good enough.
Practices and tools that will help you balance and unblock the crown chakra include aromatherapy and meditation.
Interested in learning more about the Chakras + building your own business? Join my 10 week Conscious Business Coaching Program. A in-depth dive into creating a soul aligned business from the heart. I cover topics from start up 101, marketing, social media, launch plans, passive income streams, memberships, digital content, websites, branding, and more. What makes it unique is the conscious element. Each week the course is aligned with one of the chakras to work through any blockages that might be coming up with building your business. Visit the business coaching course page for more information.