Phoebe Greenacre is joined by Dr. Lalitaa Suglani, a world-leading psychologist and author of the book High Functioning Anxiety. Lalitaa’s mission is to empower individuals with high-functioning anxiety to reclaim their inner strength, resilience, and well-being. This enlightening conversation explores practical tools to break free from the grip of anxiety, embrace self-awareness, and foster emotional […]
Emotional resilience goes beyond just mental or emotional strength—it is deeply rooted in the body. The way we respond to emotions and process stress is intricately linked to our physical being. Phoebe Greenacre shares six somatic-inspired tips to help you cultivate emotional resilience, with practical examples to incorporate these practices into your daily self-care routines. […]
When life throws us unexpected challenges, building resiliency can be the difference between feeling overwhelmed and empowered. Nikki Heyder, a qualified Mental Health Counsellor, Yoga Teacher, and former Nutritional Therapist, has spent over five years cultivating skills to help others through the ups and downs of life. As a compassionate-focused therapist, Nikki uses a blend […]