I always had a dream to live a life of collecting wild stories to tell the grandkids and sharing achievements with them that would make them proud. I’ve travelled to far away places, but also travelled within my soul to find the “home” I was always searching for. I‘ve recently reflected on the past 7 […]
Some simple tips for creating the life you dream of…. 1. Surround yourself with people that light up when they see you. (You need cheerleaders!!) If you don’t have supportive friends + family that believe in your dreams, then I’m telling you – find some new ones! I’ve met so many amazing friends online that […]
Why are we told it’s too late to start over? Why is there so much fear around starting again? Is it our own fear or fear ingrained into us as children? When I left Australia at 30 years old so many people said I “should” be starting a family, settling down and buying a house. […]
I left my 9-5 cushy and comfortable job, to start my own business and pursue a new and different lifestyle, that I didn’t even know existed. I didn’t feel at home in a desk job and I just felt like there had to be another way. Taking the leap was scary and definitely not easy, […]