Hi, I'm Phoebe

I am a conscious business coach, somatic therapist & devoted yogi. My mission is to guide women back to the truth of who they really are.

I also love travel, yoga and anything personal development.







Many entrepreneurs feel called to start their own businesses, but it can be a confusing and overwhelming path to navigate. Entrepreneurship is not only a physical endeavor, but a spiritual one as well. Many individuals feel drawn to start their own business, yet may encounter challenges and confusion along the way. Here are five prevalent […]

February 8, 2023

Starting a business is not just a physical journey, it’s a spiritual one as well.


Be hold enough to dream and brave enough to try

February 3, 2023


I always had a dream to live a life of collecting wild stories to tell the grandkids and sharing achievements with them that would make them proud. I’ve travelled to far away places, but also travelled within my soul to find the “home” I was always searching for. I‘ve recently reflected on the past 7 […]

Top tips for creating your dream life

January 31, 2023


Some simple tips for creating the life you dream of…. 1. Surround yourself with people that light up when they see you. (You need cheerleaders!!) If you don’t have supportive friends + family that believe in your dreams, then I’m telling you – find some new ones! I’ve met so many amazing friends online that […]

Is this the right pathway to success?

January 27, 2023


I was on one pathway to success….. But the pandemic happened. And it changed everything. From teaching free classes on instagram. To hosting bedtime meditations To launching my healing membership The Self Care Space™️ Then my business school – The Consciously Alive CEO™️ Then appearing on Channel 4 TV! Then a one month trip to […]

For 10 years I sat a corporate marketing desk

January 24, 2023


From Corporate life. To the freedom of life. Let me show you the way. Fear kept me in my corporate life for 10 years too long. Fear kept me from starting my biz sooner too. Fear of judgement kept me from rising into the version of me that was waiting on the other side. If […]


Hi, I'm Phoebe

My mission is to guide women back to the truth of who they really are through body mind practices and holistic business coaching.